Okinawa Sea Coral Minerals 100g
The Health Factory’s Okinawa Sea Coral Minerals is manufactured under a patented process. It is this process that activates the minerals so that they become ionized when exposed to water.
100 grams of powder harvested from fossilised Sango sea coral from Okinawa, Japan. This product is 100% pure and does not contain fillers or additives. Patent nr: 0790004
Calcium (carbonate) 684 mg (86% RDA*)
Magnesium (carbonate) 330 mg (88% RDA*)
* percentage of the recommended daily allowance.
Contains 76 ionised minerals and trace elements derived from fossilised Sango sea coral. Particularly rich in ionised calcium and magnesium, in a 2:1 ratio which is appropriate for optimal absorption.
- Good for Dental problems.
- Osteoporosis
- Joint complaints
- Raised blood pressure.
- Energy Loss
- Concentration problems
- Insomnia
- Irregular heartbeat
- Elevated Triglycerides and cholesterol levels.
Disclaimer: This statement and product has not been evaluated by the MHRA or FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health concern or condition, please ensure you consult your doctor.
Recommended dosage:
1-3 scoops daily (of supplied measuring spoon) dissolved in water, juice or yoghurt, unless otherwise advised. Can be used by all the family.
Observe the (recommended) daily dose.
Keep closed at room temperature and out of reach of young children.
Packaging: The Health Factory package this product in the highest quality dark violet glass which allows only the positive infrared and ultraviolet light to pass through, resulting in longer shelf life.
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